CityCenter Danbury is now seeking applications for our Business Development Grants Program. Businesses looking to open or relocate to our district are encouraged to apply!
For the first time ever, CCD now has funding available to assist our existing downtown property owners, business owners and to attract new businesses to relocate to our district. For this fiscal year, CCD has $75,000 available for this new program. This grant program offers matching funds for a variety of projects to property and businesses owners located within the Danbury Downtown Special Service District (aka CCD). We are currently accepting applications for this program and the deadline is September 30, 2022. Applications will be approved and rewarded by October 31st, 2022. Minimum and maximum grant amounts will be determined based on the quality and number of applicants.
There are a variety of items the committee will consider to fund, including but not limited to:
- Modifications to the exterior of your business space to improve the outward appearance such as:
- Murals
- Window Painting
- Gardens
- Planters
- Sculpture Pieces
- Signage
- Lighting
- Outdoor Dining
- Technical Assistance such as:
- Marketing
- Social Media Management
- Branding
- Business Development
Improvements of a more permanent nature will be looked upon more favorably. For new businesses, we will also consider moving costs, fit up costs and rental assistance in the first year of operations.
Applicants must be prepared to participate in at least fifty percent (50%) of the anticipated costs. Grant awards will be determined based on the quality and number of applicants. To apply, all you need to do is review eligibility and complete the form below:

Eligibility Requirements:
- To qualify, your property/business must be located, or intention to locate, within our CCD tax district.
- Submit your application by September 30, 2022.
- Applications will be approved and rewarded by October 31, 2022.
- If a property owner, you must be current with city and CCD property taxes.
- CCD will visit your property or business to verify project completion.
- Grant release timeline will be determined as part of the grant approval process.
- NOTE – incomplete applications may be rejected or sent back for additional clarity.